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Doctor and Patient

Best Training Center in Oregon for AHA, ENA, NREMT & Specialty Medical Certification courses. EMT has been serving the Community for more than 41 years. Our classes are taught by Instructors that are Experienced, Knowledgeable & Professional

Who We Are

EMT Associates has been around since 1981. We got our beginning by offering classes and performing State EMT testing. 

We are also proud to provide quality classes to remote areas that would not be able to otherwise host AHA classes, such as Bandon, Burns, and Hermiston. 

information for instructors.webp


Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support.jpg


[Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support]

AHA’s ACLS Course has been updated to reflect new science in the 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. This course builds on the foundation of lifesaving BLS skills, emphasizing the ...



[Pediatric Advanced Life Support]

The completely redesigned American Heart Association Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) course is based on new scientific evidence from the 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC and a new teaching methodology.


Basic Life Support


The BLS Course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use of an AED. 



[Trauma Nursing Core Course]

TNCC, widely recognized as the premier course for hospitals and trauma centers worldwide, empowers nurses with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and hands-on training to provide expert care for trauma patients. We offer the new 8th....



Hybrid Course

We currently offer online learning keys for ACLS, PALS, and BLS courses. ACLS and PALS online options are limited to re-certification for current cardholders, and BLS is open to both current cardholders who have a card expiring and new students. 


EMT/Paramedic Courses

EMT Associates offers a large selection of courses for EMTs and Paramedics to maintain and expand certification. Select one of the courses below to learn more about our offerings in that category. 

Information for Current Instructors

Remit all rosters to EMT Associates.

Continuing Education Units

Many of our courses qualify for continuing education units. These units are required for many professionals to maintain their licenses. EMT Associates CEUs are issued through the California State Board of Nursing. Please inquire at your course for more information about CEUs for your training. 

The cost to issue CEUs is $25. 

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